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World of Warcraft — Every Plunderstorm Map Explained

How many maps are in World of Warcraft's newest pirate-themed battle royale?
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  • Will WoW Plunderstorm get more maps in the future?
  • What is WoW Plunderstorm?

WoW developers have created a new groundbreaking game mode that stands as the game’s most unique venture so far. WoW Plunderstorm is a 60-player pirate-themed battle royale that will be available to any person with an active World of Warcraft subscription. WoW Plunderstorm is set to welcome an onslaught of various WoW and battle-royale fans alike itching to jump into the new game mode.

How Many WoW Plunderstorm Maps Are There?

As a result, WoW Plunderstorm is in desperate need of a big map to host all of these players. Here is everything you need to know about WoW Plunderstorm and how many maps are available.

Currently, there is only one map available in WoW Plunderstorm known as Arathi Highlands upon the new game modes infancy. While there is only one map in the game mode currently, Arathi Highlands will offer players a lot of opportunity to both explore and strategize as the game’s singular map will provide plenty of open-world zones.

What is WoW Arathi Highlands?

Arathi Highlands

Arathi Highlands has a slightly different appearance compared to the traditional WoW world as a number of primary locations are being added to the map for players to experience, those being Ar’gorok and Brew Bay. However, while both locations are a new game mode experience, they are not completely new to WoW fans.

Ar’gorok is the area that was highlighted as the centerpiece of the Warfronts game mode and was initially revealed during the WoW Battle for Azeroth expansion. Meanwhile, Brew Bay is the extra alternative location that will be surrounded by the eastern shore of the Highlands. Players will be able to find the latter near the area where you would complete the Duskfeather quest line found in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery.

As of writing, it is uncertain whether more maps will be added to WoW Plunderstorm or if the Arathi Highlands will be the only map featured in WoW’s new game mode. Regardless, WoW Plunderstorm will provide many fans and incoming players a unique opportunity to witness the WoW world in a completely new light.

Who knows, maybe if WoW Plunderstorm is seen as an early success by consumers, the Blizzard developers would be heavily inspired to add more maps in future patches.

What is Wow Arathi Highlands WoW Plunderstorm Mar 20, 2024 10:32 AM EDT.