Some things are better kept quiet – like the existence of secret bars in New York during prohibition, accessible only to people who knew their location and sometimes – a password. Today, speakeasies are not about hiding from the authorities but about attracting customers with an aura of mystery and luxury. Do you like riddles? Great! Here’s a list of top 10 European bars which are not easy to find.

1. Liverpool – El Bandito

El Bandito is a sanctuary of real Mexican tequila hidden in the centre of Liverpool. You can ask the security guard of the nearby Santa Chupitos for directions, but don’t be surprised when he points you to an ordinary staircase. When you cross the threshold of the bar, you will most probably be surprised with its hush-hush vibe. This small bar has an licence which allows it to sell alcohol until 5:00 a.m., which is rare on the British Isles.

2. Barcelona – El Armario

‘El armario’ means ‘wardrobe’ in Spanish. As the name suggests, the entrance to the speakeasy is hidden behind jackets, shirts and coats hanging in a wardrobe furnishing one of the private rooms of the owner. You won’t see many tourists in the bar, because those who find it usually live in Barcelona, especially since it rarely opens before 3 a.m.!

3. Lviv – Kryjivka

From the first moments in the city, Lviv charms us with its Eastern mysticism. The old town square is full of quaint restaurants, pubs and bars – and the top secret Kryjivka (meaning ‘hideout’) is one of them. In order to enter the bar, you have come face to face with a Ukrainian partisan armed with a rifle, who will let you in if you give him the password and… make a toast with Ukrainian vodka. Kryjivka’s interior looks like a partisan bunker with propaganda posters, maps and an arsenal of weapons, which you can even use to practice your shooting!

4. London – Callooh Callay

This cocktail bar won an award for the Best International High Volume Cocktail Bar at the 2016 Tales of the Cocktail festival. Do you need a better recommendation? If you do, it’s worth mentioning that the bar consist of three rooms – the first room seems like the interior of a regular bar with an artistic, slightly eccentric design, while the second room is hidden behind a Narnia-style wardrobe entrance; but the real hidden gem is the Jubjub bar, which can be accessed only by those who know the four-digit code changed every day. That’s where the barmen give a real show – the drinks are the embodiment of their creativity and spontaneity.

5. Gruyeres – Museum HR Giger Bar

For starters, the interior of this speakeasy was designed by H. R. Giger, who worked on an Oscar winning design team of the film Alien. This secret bar looks like a work of art and can give you the chills. If drinking cocktails surrounded by skeletons, bones and fake corpses is your thing, then you must visit Museum HR Giger Bar in Gruyeres, Switzerland.

6. Amsterdam – The Butcher

The Butcher may look like an ordinary burger joint, but don’t be fooled. There’s a secret passage near the kitchen which will take you into a different world. A romantic atmosphere and a menu full of amazing cocktails provide unforgettable experiences. Before trying to enter the Butcher’s underground, remember to make a reservation and ask for the password – otherwise, all you get is a burger before you leave.

7. Paris – Little Red Door

The Little Red Door is not difficult to find – of course as long as you know the address. There is no big sign outside, there’s simply a half-open grey glass door. Behind it, there’s a little red door, which is said to have been the symbol of speakeasies during the prohibition. The actual bar with 12 drinks crafted from high-quality ingredients is behind another, tall brown door. The warm, cosy and elegant atmosphere of the bar will definitely win your heart.

8. Copenhagen – The Union & The Bureau

There is a bar behind a black door in Store Strandstræde 16 – in order to get inside, you just have to find number 16 and ring the bell. The dimly lit interior with brick walls gives you the atmosphere of a classic speakeasy, where hoodlums met to talk business. But that’s not all – the place hides another secret. When you climb a narrow staircase, you reach another door. Knock once. If you don’t get an answer, try again. Repeat until it works. Don’t worry if it doesn’t – access to the heart of The Bureau is only granted to the chosen few.

9. Berlin – The Butcher’s Bar

The bar is full of bottles with top liquor hanging from butcher’s hooks – scattered red lights add to the drama of the setting. To get to the Butcher’s Bar you first need to go to Fleischerfi, a currywurst place. When you’re inside, head to the telephone box. That’s where you’ll find a buzzer concealed by stickers – press it and the door to the mysterious slaughterhouse will open before you.

10. Milan – Millenovecentotrenta

If you want to visit this speakeasy, you first need to go to the Mag Café on the other side of the city – the barmen working there are the guardians of the mysterious world of 1930. What do you need to do? First, persuade the barmen to give you a certain phone number and the text message you’re supposed to send to it. In response, you’ll receive the address of a general store. The shop assistant will ask for your name and will lead you through a secret door behind a herbal medicines display. Lo and behold, here’s 1930. What’s inside? Shh… it’s a secret.